“Do you mind my smoking?” he asked.
“Oh, not at all, sir.”
-- Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d’Urbevilles
Stout lass!
The latest from France, from the bobos-fachos,
in their chasse au fumeurs:
Marisol Touraine, ministre de la
Santé, annoncera mardi 17 juin une série de nouvelles mesures qui devrait
placer la France en pointe dans la lutte contre le tabagisme.
Parmi les plus spectaculaires, la mise en place du paquet de cigarettes neutre, sans marque apparente, ainsi que la possibilité d'actions de groupe, permettant aux fumeurs malades de faire condamner les fabricants à des dommages et intérêts.
Le vapotage, quant à lui, serait banni des lieux publics. [-- Le Figaro]
Parmi les plus spectaculaires, la mise en place du paquet de cigarettes neutre, sans marque apparente, ainsi que la possibilité d'actions de groupe, permettant aux fumeurs malades de faire condamner les fabricants à des dommages et intérêts.
Le vapotage, quant à lui, serait banni des lieux publics. [-- Le Figaro]
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“Lèche mon cul, Marisol.” |
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"D'accord !" |
[Update 19 July 2014] The hypocritical vindictiveness against tobacco leads to other legal skulduggery as
well. Thus
No-one born after 1950 has any excuse for being ignorant of
health hazards from cigarettes.
The guy started in chain-smoking at age thirteen and never let up. His choice. Appropriate damages in this case: Zero. But a … Florida
jury (a phrase proverbial for
imbecility) decides that a Saganian figure -- biyyuns and biyyuns of dollars -- should be paid.
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Tha's messed-up, man ... |
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Second that, brother. |
[Original post from January 2014]
Suppose that, in some country that vaunted itself on its record of human rights, in North America or Western Europe, there was a cardiac hospital whose waiting-list for heart-surgery numbered both black and white patients. Now suppose that the hospital had -- not surreptitiously and shame-facedly, but quite openly and unabashedly, even as something to pride themselves on -- a hard-and-fast rule: So soon as a white becomes a candidate for surgery, he automatically zooms ahead of all the blacks on the waiting list; and so on forever. Assuming that, as in most places, the demand for the surgical service always slightly outpaces the supply, the upshot is that no black could ever receive heart surgery.
This morning there appeared a radio essay by the
Dutch-Moroccan academic and journalist Fouad Laroui, Je fume, donc je suis,
reporting just such a case, in the north of ultra-bien-pensant
Holland; only, with one
difference: The group
continually sent to the back of the bus
are not blacks, but smokers.
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Here's looking at *you*, kid... |
And such is the climate of political correctness there
reigning, that the principal challenge to this invidious rule has come, not from the quarter of
general societal welfare and logic (shall such exclusions be applied, on the
same grounds of ills abetted by personal behavior, to other risk groups, such
as the obese or homosexual?), but
rather, from the ranks of Identity Politics themselves! For the Turks resident in the
Netherlands have -- not opposed the rule per
se, but merely demanded that they themselves be excepted, as a group, on
the grounds that, in their culture, smoking is not an individual choice, but an
ethnic identity badge: Among Turks, a man wears a moustache, and smokes; un-point-c’est-tout.
Laroui regularly reports on issues affecting Muslims in his
current country of residence, les
Pays-Bas; and generally to
defend them. But in this
case, he twits the Turkish case for absurdity, pointing out that it is a
slippery slope down which other groups can be expected to snowboard, as some
already had: Muslim Somalis in
Holland demanded group exemption from Dutch anti-narcotic laws, on the grounds that
qât is part of their culture.
(Such an exemption was successful in the United States, in the case of
Amerindians and peyote.) He
does not, however, take explicit exception to that hospital regulation
itself; perhaps deeming such
comment superfluous in the case of so evidently overweening a rule, but perhaps
[Update 13 Feb 2015] ISIL dislikes smoking. Smokers dislike ISIL
[Update 13 Feb 2015] ISIL dislikes smoking. Smokers dislike ISIL
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Islamic State fighters prepared to burn confiscated cigarettes last year in Raqqa |
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