It has become apparent that, quite apart from such
socio-politico-theological aims (legitimate or otherwise) that ISIL might
pursue, there is an increasing fascination, among many of its activists, with Execution Porn, for its own sake. This we have analyzed here; herewith an update.
The Latest:
* A dozen or so Kurds are paraded
in cages, presumably prior to the main event: their immolation.
(Rather like the pre-game festivities at the Superbowl.)
* 21 Copts, kidnapped in Libya,
were brightly decked in orange jumpsuits, paraded along the sort of seashore
that usually features a golden retriever and a life-insurance ad, and then beheaded,
in a 21-ring ceremony. (The media
has been unhelpful as to why these Egyptian Christians were in Libya in the first place; presumably they fled there, from the
Egyptian skillet, into the fire.)
Those acts are not so much political
statements (again: whether noble
or misguided) as variety acts : the
Caliphate embracing the Société du
Spectacle. For the victims here were neither
combatants (like the Jordanian pilot), nor Westerners (inherently evil for
racial reasons), but simply guys who happened to be in the wrong place at the
wrong time.
![]() |
And now for something completely different ... |
And you know that, what these publicity-junkies are thinking
now, is: What can we do, that's completely different? What
can we do for an encore?
Fact is, ISIL is going to have to get cracking, if they want
to continue to dominate the Atrocity Sweepstakes: Boko Haram is now giving them some serious competition,
recycling their seven-year-old Christian sex-slaves as suicide bombers against
pretty much random civilian targets.
[Hot leaks from an inside source!] A preview of upcoming events:
* A score of Sufis, dressed in
wool, are set alight.
* Seven lords a-leaping are obliged to jump over a cliff.
* A clowder of kittehhs are herded together (a feat in itself)
by a contingent of masked doggehhs, and treated verrehh, verrehh badlehhh….
(VIP seating available from TicketMaster.)
[Update 23 June 2015]
The ISIL metteurs-en-scène
keep coming up with ever more stage-business to thrill their audience.
The Site Intelligence group, which
tracks jihadist activity online, released what appears to be an Islamic State
video from northern Iraq. It depicts three grisly group killings of 12 supposed
The first scene shows four men
forced into a car that is then blasted by a militant with a rocket-propelled
grenade. The next scene, like something created by a sadistic Bond villain,
shows detainees lowered into a pool in a metal cage and then brought up,
lifeless and frothing at the mouth. And the last, the most gruesome, shows a
cordon of prisoners led onto open terrain with explosives attached to their
necks; the explosives are detonated and heads fly into the air.
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