Tuesday, January 1, 2013

WDJ Dec 2010 - Dec 2012: (dépôt de) bilan

Er hatte erwartet, sich auf einer Bühne  welterschütternder Abenteuer zu befinden,  dessen Held er sein werde,
und sah mit einemmal  einen betrunkenen jungen Mann  auf einem leeren weiten Platz  randalieren,
dem  nur  die Steine  antworteten …
-- Robert Musil, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (vol. I: 1930)

“I am writing for only five people at present.”
-- Sigmund Freud, 1914, quoted in Ernest Jones, Freud: Years of Maturity (1955), p. 177
In the two years that this blog has been in existence, the statistics have indicated a steady increase in audience.   These were important, both for general morale, and for indicated which essays evoked the most interest, thus pointing the way towards further development.
It now appears that the bulk of the reported pageviews  are bogus -- nuisance-bots.  I have been speaking to a mostly empty auditorium.

If I do occasionally post in the months to come, it will largely be simply to organize my thoughts (the hyperlink and Label features being quite useful in that regard), as well as for the benefit of any reader who might happen to stroll by.  But there is little point laboring to feed a hunger that isn’t there.

If, by chance, you do happen to feel peckish, there is a wealth of fare to sample.  One way in is via these topical indices:

Or check out some of my books:

There is also our sister site,
which is being newly updated in response to a recent surge in sales of these vernacular-but-philosophical detective stories.

Valete, quirites.

[Update] According to the Blogger stats, WDJ has just passed the milestone of Fifty Thousand alltime pageviews.
Picture yourself giving a series of Chatauqua-style lectures, with a cumulative audience of fifty thousand.  -- Of course, we're talking about an audience  most of whom walk out after a minute and a half on the site.
Only, in any event, according to Google Analytics, the bulk of these hits are bogus to begin with.

New site slogan:

~~ The World of Dr Justice ~~
~~ Serving the ex-Soviet Web-bot community since 2011 ~~

[Update]  Example of a thematic index.  Here, the selected quotation gives a sense of the flavor of the essay from which it is drawn.

O Tempora O Mores

The Duke University English Department has a lot to answer for, having been instrumental in the deconstructionist desecration of academia.  The latest object to plop out of that orifice  is reviewed in this morning’s New York Times

Warning !  The videos linked-to are rated NC-53 !!  No-one under the age of 53 or so should watch them !   And even these, only after making Confession…

In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster …

Tares planted in the Endarkenment (humorously known as the Enlightenment) have sprouted to weeds that choke the vacant lots where atheists briefly couple and depart -- unacquainted with Temptation, since  now  to desire  is incontinently  to take; and unable to commit adultery, being after all strangers to vows.


[Update 13 I 13]
Upon learning of the high percentage of Web-bot hits in the WDJ Blogger pageview stats, I had resolved to post less frequently to my (it now appears) little-read blog, and to read and think more deeply about lasting things, before penning anything, rather than reacting incontinently to the froth of the day’s headlines.  Yet the post-Modernist mindlessness of this morning’s NYTimes  requires a rejoinder -- the very stones cry out.

So now there is this :

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