Monday, December 8, 2014

¡Bienvenidos en Uruguay!

Enjoy your stay!  (however brief …)

Terminaba así una saga que comenzó cuando en enero de 2014 llegó totalmente en secreto a Montevideo, Clifford Sloan, un abogado egresado de la Universidad de Harvard, a quien el presidente Barack Obama nombró en 2013 para que se hiciera cargo de la difícil tarea de negociar con países que estuvieran dispuestos a recibir a los cautivos. Y aún antes de la llegada de Sloan, la buena relación entre el presidente José Mujica y el vicepresidente estadounidense Joseph Biden había generado un buen ambiente para que Uruguay hiciera el favor que Estados Unidos estaba pidiendo. 


ShadowMan kind of spooks me, actually

Los recién llegados recibirán un documento de identidad transitorio. Tienen algunas ofertas para trabajar en la construcción y en tareas rurales.
Mujica ha asegurado que llegarán en condición de refugiados y por lo tanto podrían irse de Uruguay al día siguiente de llegar si así lo quisieran. El gobierno no aceptó el pedido de Estados Unidos de limitar la libertad de movimiento de los liberados, dijo el mandatario.

One wonders whether, upon crossing the Rio Grande, they will be asked to state their business, or simply waved on in the interests of Diversity …


This evening’s NPR report on the matter  typifies the level to which journalism has sunk.  It was all about feelings and beliefs, not facts.   The station acknowledged that certain (unnamed) persons harbor unspecified “concerns” (using the word one might employ, as regards the shaky health of a pet hamster).  But, by way of countering what much of the audience -- not so dumb as they deem us -- was likely already thinking, the reporter hastened into the breach with an extraordinary gambit:  that she “believes” (her term;  not “has learned” or “knows”, but using a term that can equally well be applied to the Great Pumpkin) that “recidivism” among people jailed for terrorism  has been “actually less than for the general crime population”:  which is like comparing apples to a random medley of oranges, pinapples, and breadfruit.   For certain infractions, the rate of re-offense is no doubt far greater than for, say, assassination:   in the case of jaywalking, probably close to a hundred percent.  (Once having tasted the illicit sweetness of flouting that old Kantian maxim, “Cross at the green -- Not in between”, the perpetrator will jaywalk again and again.)

This is not a matter for beliefs, feelings, or hunches.   It is a matter of public record that a significant number of detainees released from Gitmo, or released/escaped from detention in Afghanistan or Irak, have gone on to leadership positions in Al-Qaeda.   Indeed, one of the best-known of them appended the epithet al-Kûbi (“the Cuban”) to his nom de guerre, in winking reference to his proud status as an alumnus of that flagship campus of Jâmi`at Yûsuf (“Joseph’s University” -- i.e., ‘prison’; an allusion to the Torah story, retold in the Koran).

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