Friday, April 10, 2020

SimCity: the foundations

Background:   Topology is familiarly, informally characterized as “rubber-sheet geometry”.  That is, unlike the Euclidean geometry that we learned in school, which applies to flat rigid surfaces,  you’re allowed to stretch and bend the space, so long as you don’t tear it or let it intersect itself.
But at some point, we might like -- without returning quite to the simplicities and rigidities of the Euclidean picture -- to make our space… a bit less rubbery.   As the godfather of Calabi-Yau manifolds puts it:

We start with some raw topological space, which is like a bare patch of land that’s been razed for construction.  On top of that, we’d like to build some kind of geometric structure that can later be decorated in various ways.

-- Shing-Tung Yau, The Shape of Inner Space (2010), p. 77

[The above is an update to this post:

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