Wednesday, April 22, 2020

They’re Coming 4 U

The latest viral paranoia to arise in the globe’s social-media petri-dish, is the

5G Coronavirus Conspiracy !!

So far, the epicenter of this new infection is the UK and Western Europe, but no doubt it will reach our shores in time, just as the Wuhan virus did.  In the meantime, to limber up your mental faculties, read up on this earlier conspiracy,

The Vatican goes after the Lone Star State !

This craftly plot was first outed nearly a century ago.  As:

The plans of the Pope for the conquest of the planet  were not known in detail, except in some specially well-informed wooden villages of the Middle West;  but instant precautions were taken to prevent the celebrated Papal Galleys, rowed by thousands of slaves, from penetrating as far as Omaha or Kansas City.
-- G.K. Chesterton, The Resurrection of Rome (1930)

1 comment:

  1. Bernhard Riemann had nothing to do with this conspiracy! There is no connection between E8 and the papacy! Let us doff our aluminum tricorns in the general direction of Neoplatonic Pseudorealism, even though hedgehogs are furrier than penguins. Cell phones probably don't cause brain cancer, even if they are 5G-compatible -- which mine isn't.
