Monday, October 26, 2015

Katzenjammer aus Kakanien

“Sie sind in der Festung drin.  Diese Festung fällt nicht morgen oder übermorgen, aber wir wissen, sie fällt.  Nicht in fernen Generationen, sondern wir alle, wir wollen es noch erleben, daß sie fällt.
-- Otto Bauer, Vienna, March 1927

 It has been a month of awkward anniversaries.
=> Germany celebrated its reunion, in the midst of what feels like a national implosion.
=> The U.N. marked its 70th year of increasing uselessness.
=> And today, Austria feted its national day, while a ragtag army of intruders swarmed across its undefended national borders,  the police and politicians  looking on helplessly.   As for the Army, it has been gynecized into imbecility:

Was macht das für Landesverteidigung zuständiges Bundesheer währenddessen?

Es beschäftigt sich mit einem Gender-Sprachleitfaden aus dem SPÖ-Frauenministerium, der überall für Kopfschütteln sorgt.
(Worte wie Mannschaft, man, jeder, jemand und niemand sollen nicht mehr verwendet werden.)


The eve of the celebrations (such as they were) were besmirched by an astonishing outburst against Austria’s neighbors, by the Interior Minister Madame Mikl-Leitner:

Deutschland übernimmt nach Angaben von Innenministerin Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) "aktuell einfach zu wenig Flüchtlinge”.

Now that is chutzpah in high-heels and a cocked hat:  Germany, the cul-de-sac into which the rest of the world is pouring its wretched-refuse, with Austria acting as the Schleuderer-in-Chief !


For just a moment, it looked as if, although Mutti Merkel has yet to come to her senses and defend her country's borders,  Mutti Mikl just might finally have caught on:

Österreichs Innenministerin spricht von einem Zaunbau.

But no such luck.  She still has not the gumption to suggest such a procedure for Austria;  rather, “let Ivan do it”:

Sollte die EU-Außengrenze in Griechenland nicht rasch geschützt werden, sei ein Zaunbau an Sloweniens Grenze zu Kroatien "überlegenswert".


Actually, Miss Mikl showed a certain pragmatism, in passing the buck  only as far as the next statelet over, Slovenia.   After all, it is in Slovenia’s own interests  that she defend her borders, keeping out the unwanted.   Whereas Merkel made a Canossa-trek all the way to Turkey, to implore Erdogan to do the dirty-work in her stead.

Now, let’s reason this out logically.   Whereas Norway, Finnland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia and Greece (to name the ‘extended West-Balkan route’, the Appalachian Trail of in-migration) would each like to keep the migrants out (but lack the will to do so),  Turkey by no means wishes to keep them in, which is what Merkel is asking.  Turkey doesn’t want the Syrians and she doesn’t want the Kurds, nor any other migrant band that uses Anatolia as a way-station.  Hence, whereas a nudge might induce overstressed Slovenia to guard its entrance-gates, Merkel would have to pay Turkey very dearly, to close its exits.   Thus keeping the steam inside the kettle.

And this she has proposed to do, via three inducements. 

*  Mucho moolah.   Unfortunately, this one’s no longer such a breeze, since Germany paid to bail out Greece yet again;  and as there will be a bill coming due for all those immigrants, a bill with (to use the chancellor’s chiselled phrase) “keine Obergrenze”.
*  No more visas required for Turks to enter Germany.  (Turkey already does a land-office business in fake Syrian passports; now fake Turkish passports  will also be in demand.)
*  A promise to speed Turkey’s entry into the European Union.  (This, at a time when Erdogan has been sliding ever deeper into dictatorial excess, and where civil war seems to loom.)

A more reckless piece of diplomacy  would be difficult to conceive.

Lesen Sie die Geschichte  spesenfrei !

[Update 28 October 2015] Gingerly advancing a toe towards what eventually needs to be done:

Angesichts des Flüchtlingsandrangs will Österreich seine Grenze zu Slowenien offenbar teils auch durch einen Zaun sichern. Österreichs Innenministerin Johanna Mikl-Leitner sagte am Mittwoch dem Sender Ö1, es gehe aber nicht darum, die Grenze "dicht zu machen". Vielmehr solle ein "geordneter, kontrollierter Zutritt" geschaffen werden.

A reader wryly comments, in reference to the increasingly urgent polemics from the Bavarian CSU-chef:

Grenzzaun zu Slowenien
Na also - offenbar war der Klartext von Seehofer doch nicht vergebens.

Another, more wryly still:

wozu brauchen die nen Zaun, die schicken die Flüchtlinge ja eh gleich weiter nach Deutschland. Wollen die jetzt auch noch den Sprit für die Busse sparen, die die Flüchtlinge an die deutsche Grenze karren. Da regt sich diese fragwürdige Innenministerin auf, das Deutschland zu wenig Flüchtlinge aufregt, und sie offensichtlich dann gar meine mehr

[Note to anglophones:  Sprit = fuel.]

Nun denn, wir bauen doch ‘nen Zaun --
aber doch nur 10 cm hoch !


Am Nationalfeiertag lobte die Staatsspitze in ihren Festreden in höchsten Tönen, wie sich das Land in der Flüchtlingskrise bewähre. Diese Bewährungsprobe besteht aus Improvisation und fußt auf der Annahme, dass Deutschland unbegrenzt alle Menschen aufnimmt, die sich über die Balkanroute durchgeschlagen haben. Bislang tut dies die Wirtschaftsgroßmacht auch; doch der Konsens in der Berliner Regierungskoalition, mit dieser Praxis fortzufahren, erscheint zunehmend brüchig.

~ Sigmund Freud  und  Sherlock Holmes: ~

[Update 28 Oct 2015]  Einführung in die Flüchtlings-Semantik
Mikl-L, responding to an interviewer, with a (probably unintentional) double-entendre.

Könnte Österreich in eine Situation kommen, in der es die Grenze nach Slowenien doch völlig dicht machen müsste?
Daran denkt keiner.

The intended conveyed-meaning is:  “No, of course not, nobody would ever want to do that.”
The literal, yet repressed (subconscious) meaning:  “Nobody is thinking of that -- not entertaining the possibility” (because they have their head in the sand;  yet it still might come up and bite them on the ass).

[Update 29 October 2015]   Flüchtlings-Semantik : Weiteres zum Thema
A mincing minuet, choosing euphemisms:

Innenministerin Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) bleibt dabei: An der Grenze im steirischen Spielfeld müsse es Befestigungen geben.
Einen Vergleich mit Ungarns Zäunen weist sie strikt zurück.
Angesichts der Debatte um die Lage in Spielfeld – die steirische Integrationslandesrätin Doris Kampus etwa verwahrte sich strikt gegen "Zäune", kann sich aber ebenfalls bauliche Maßnahmen am Grenzübergang selbst vorstellen

Recall the polemics, a few years ago, over whether Israel’s divider against the Palestinians was a “fence” (good) or a “wall” (bad).  But now we are more delicate:  it’s between a “fence” (bad) and “temporary constructional measures” (acceptable).

Ceci n’est pas une clôture

For a superb gallery of political fences in history:

Falls Sie im Doktor-Justiz-Sammelsurium
weiterblättern möchten,


[Update 30 October 2015]  In fairness, and hewing to the principle that what’s sauce for the goose  is sauce for the gander (or, the people who live in glass houses, should not throw stones), we must concede that the United States, in addition to being often unwilling to defend its borders, has long been too feckless even to protect the White House with an adequate fence.  This latter saga is less well known to our European readers;  read about it here.

[Update 31 Oct 2015]   Austria, too, is running out of bears:

Spielfeld (Steiermark), 31 Oktober 2015
Dazu, letzlich, diese Ministerin:

[Update 10 November 2015] 
NDLR, explaining the latest euphemism:

Kein Wort von Mikl zu Zaun

Zu einem Bericht des "Kurier", wonach sie am slowenischen-österreichischen Grenzübergang in Spielfeld einen 25 Kilometer lange Sperre, vulgo Zaun, hochziehen will, erklärte Mikl-Leitner nur: "Ich werde zu dem Konzept nichts sagen."

A reader comments:

Die BMI führt sich auf wie eine spätpubertierende Klassensprecherin. Dauernd irgendwelche eigenartigen Wortspenden absondernd, droht sie mit einem Zaun, um zuletzt mit einem schmallippigen Grinsen anzumerken, dass die bösen Buben schon sehen werden was passiert.

[Update 11 November 2015]  Okay, it has gotten too complex for me to follow.  A rough outline.

(1) Deutscher Innenminister de Maizière  announces -- on what turns out to be his own hook -- that, henceforward, Syrian Eindringlinge  will be (save in exceptional cases) granted only a “secondary” asylum, with a time-limit and no right of family reunification.
In itself, that move, while significant, does not affect Austria, and Austria does not react.
However, swiftly thereafter, Merkel’s Sprachrohr  Altmeier says:  Nothing of the kind.  And de Maizière rapidly retracts.

Now:  At first blush, this makes de Maizière look like a fool, and as though he had been punked by Altmeier.  But … by that rash act, he successfully, subtlely, altered the terms of debate.   A sort of knight-sacrifice in the Great Game.

(2) Yesterday, de Maizière (or, as the press reported it, “Germany”) unlooses a bombshell:  the Dublin agreement (arbitrarily and de factco swept aside by Merkel and indeed all the other states on the immigrational Appalachian Trail) is once again in effect, even for (purported) Syrians.  Meaning, basically, that they get summarily sent back to whatever European country first admitted them (modulo unimportant provisos).
Now, this would be a very big deal, the tipping-point for the whole European migrant crisis;  yet few media reported on it -- I first learned of it, actually, from the Austrian media.  For:  the immediate effect of such a change in policy, would primarily impact Austria.

Quite interestingly -- and to her credit -- Mikl-L rushed into print hailing the decision, which she called long overdue.
Now, saluting a Zaun, such as that reprobate Orban (boo! boo!) quickly and manfully erected, is taboo;  so why would M-L make so bold as to salute one?  Isn’t she a coward, like virtually every other European politician?  -- Well,  doch;  but consider.  Once Germany closes its border (or enforces Dublin, which amounts to the same thing), Austria must needs swiftly do likewise.   Hence, to reduce the inevitable heat from doing so, praise the Germans for doing it first.  Otherwise you are in an impossible position.

But!  The proposal to enforce Dublin, turns out to have been another de-M. smoke-signal or trial-balloon:  He (reportedly) had not pre-cleared this bold and major move, neither with the Kanzlerin nor Altmeier nor anyone else.  Loose cannon, off the reservation?  And yet the blowback within Germany  was surprisingly mild.  As though all factions, from the Chancellor to the Greens, were, if not actively welcoming, at least seeing what anemometrical indications they might receive  from said smoke, said balloon.

(3)  And now -- Slovenia, the third domino in line, before the second (Austria) has fallen, and before the fall of the first (Deutschland) has been confirmed, begins building -- not “announces” its intention to maybe being discussions re (etc etc), but actually hands-on, soldiers-on-the-Grenze, build -- a border fence.  Which, if it were done correctly and were effective, would actually relieve Austria of the necessity of building one of its own.  So-o …  will Mikl-Leitlein  therefore backpedal?  -- Stay tuned.

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