Sunday, October 27, 2013

Good Grief, *More* Math Porn!

In our original essay on the subject, and its follow-up here, we noted that there exists very little pandering journalistic treatment of mathematics.   Popularizations and simplifications, yes;  this is a public service, if done well.  It only becomes ‘porn’ if some marketing-type tries to sex it up with references to mysteries or hidden realities -- or sex, for that matter.
This morning’s New York Times Book Review offers a worthwhile summary (by a physicist) of a probably quite worthwhile new book (indeed, I have already ordered a copy):

The book itself sounds straightforward enough;  it’s the title and the subtitle that are porn-y:

The Heart of Hidden Reality
By Edward Frenkel

One wishes to think, that the author’s proposed title was something like “Conformal Field Theory and the Langlands Program” or even “Langlands for Dummies”, and that some Dilberty drone over in marketing went to tart it up.  In much the same way, perfectly reasonable newspaper articles can be turned into ostensible kitsch or glurge, by micro-brained headline writers.  
But on second thought, had it had that for a title, rather than this bodice-ripping conspiracy-theory thing, the book would probably never have been reviewed by the New York Times.

[Update]  Bought it and read it; it's excellent.  Discussion here.

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