Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Vivent les Touaregs !

Seriously, folks -- not a satire, this time.   Irresistably excellent music videos from (pre-al-Qaeda) Azawad.

Teshumara, les guitares de la rébellion Touareg.

Excellent, hypnotic.  Chew some qat and watch:

A valid movement by Tuareg tribesmen, which achieved their goals rather by default, owing to a coup in Bamako, proclaimed the independence of Azawad.  It was quickly hijacked by the carpetbaggers of AQMI, who in turn invited-in the ineffable Boko Haram.  Already, by reports, four and a half million refugees have fled.  Al-Qaeda/takfiris, get your asses the hell out of Africa.

[Update 29 Aug 2012]  Kerry Kennedy target of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
La fille de Robert F. Kennedy qui conduit depuis quelques jours une mission d’information au Sahara occidental pour le compte de la Centre Robert Kennedy pour la Justice et les droits e l’homme a failli être enlevée par un groupe d’Aqmi.

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