Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Gabriel’s pep-talk to the bugs

We all know how Blessèd Saint Francis  preached to the beasts and birds.  A less-well-known episode  is the Archangel Gabriel’s sermonette to all bugkind, shortly after they were created (out of little clods of clay).

Gabriel, before the assembled multitudes:   Well! bug-buddies.  Great to see you all here.
Bugs:  (buzz)
Gabriel:  Now, have you all heard of the scala naturae?
Bugs (billions of blank looks -- blank even for bugs)
Gabriel:   Okay, didn’t think so.  Anyhow, scala naturae means “ladder of Nature”.  It is the scale and scheme of things.   It reaches all the way up to …. [here Gabriel raises his forefinger and nods significantly] and down to the very depths of Earth.
Now: --  House built on a weak foundation, will not stand -- oh no.  No?
(Bugs wag their antennae in agreement.)
Gabriel:  And a ladder would waver, that were not firmly planted on the ground.
Bugs (antennae tingle in anticipation;  collective held breath)
Gabriel:  That’s where you come in.

(Their little breasts swell with joy and gratitude, and they march off in their millions.  “We’ll be good bugs,” they vow.)

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