Sunday, October 14, 2012

NY Oligarchy Cover-Up Bid FAILS !!!

[Inspired by recent (successful) Republican attemps, to conjure up a scandal out of absolutely nothing, we conclude that the public is simply hungry for scandals (perhaps by reason of a relatively weak TV season), and we happily join in the fun.]

This morning’s New York Times … (we pause to let the significance of that sink in…. New York Times, get it?  Northeastern oligarchy?   Trilateral-Commission/Bieberbach-Group/Illuminati ???( [See Footnote **])  --
the (as we say)  “Nyewww”…. “Yawwk” ….  “T-t-t-Times” this sunny Sunday morning,
front-pages the following headline:

Strauss-Kahn Says Sex Parties Went Too Far, but Lust Is No Crime

(The Website buries the story and bowdlerizes the headline;  I am quoting from the print edition.)

[**Footnote:   Sorry, we’re a bit behind on our conspiracy theory here.  There is some sort of group, whose names begins with “B”, and (as I recall) sounds vaguely Germanic, involving various magnates including the senior George Bush;  only, I have somehow misremembered it, because a quick Wiki-check on the phrase "Bieberbach group"  redirected  me instead to the following most-excellent article:
Indeed, in lieu of reading the rest of this, I urge you to resign from this stupid society  immediately,
join a monastery,  and spend the rest of your alloted days  studying math.
But for those of us still stuck hier unten  im Flachland, I continue with the pasquinade.]

Anyhow.  (Do you have an erection yet?)
The Times writes --  and I quote! --

At L’Aventure, Mr. Strauss-Kahn and a few friends gathered in a private basement club, carpeted in purple and black tiger stripes, with a female Belgian escort and Mr. Alderweireld’s companion, Béatrice Legrain, who recalled that lunch in an interview.

She said that Mr. Strauss-Kahn, energized by Viagra, had sex with the escort and then followed Ms. Legrain to the bathroom, grabbing her and demanding sex. But she said she rebuffed him and it “wasn’t a big deal.” Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s lawyer declined to comment.

Faithful readers of this site  will immediately spot the cover-up.  Names are named, in abundance, with one single telling exception:

“a female Belgian escort”

Could this lead-footed, mealy-mouthed, tin-tongued  phrase  be perhaps referring to the one we have more adequately described (a tip of the cap to the WDJ wordsmithery) as


We refer to none other than

“the divine Aurélie”

known to stage and screen (and certain private back-rooms) as Aurélie Delvaulx.

Why the coverup,  “New” York Times ??!!!  Too hot for U 2 handle ?????!????????

For exclusive coverage of this momentous phenomenon, complete with never-previously-seen photographs proving the young lady’s, mm, political importance,
click here:

“We Go Boldly   where the Media  Fears 2 Tread”  ®
© 2012 WDJ Worldwide Enterprise.
This is our slogan don’t U dare use it or we sue your ass off.

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